Report on the Grand Bazaar 13 & 14/11/2021

Total sales of slightly over 5 500€ were a bit less than the record set by the Summer Bazaar in June. This may have been due to the weather and reduced number of visitors. Unfortunately I was given the dates of 2 & 3 October for the Bazaar, and I didn’t become aware that these […]

Annual General Meeting 31/8/21

The Annual General Meeting of Bon Coeur was held on Tuesday the 31st of August at 10am in the Office de Tourisme. In previous years the AGM has been held in March but this wasn’t possible due to Covid restrictions. There were 14 attendees. The president’s report covered the period from January 2020 until August […]

Pétanque 22 August 2021

The 14th of July is the traditional date for this event, but the weather forecast was bad, so the event was postponed to the afternoon of the Fête de St Roch. For the 28th edition there were 16 players but only 4 of these were British. Due to the closure of the Restaurant du Midi […]

Brocante 8/8/2021

The weather was perfect for this year’s brocante. The Bon Coeur stand at the brocante was run by Pat and Peter Aldous, Peter Grey Hughes, Haydn Burnham, Terence Kennedy and Monique Wijnker, and took 380,30€. The shop was manned by Dot Human and Gilly Fitzhuggett and took 205€. This makes a total of 585,30€ for […]

Report on the Summer Bazaar and Giant Book Sale 12&13/6/2021

This was a record breaking event with total sales of 6060€. After costs of 605€ the net income was 5455€. We thank you all for your support and we hope you enjoyed your visit. Our volunteers worked for many hours to prepare the stock, sell and clear up afterwards. 

Summer Bazaar and Giant Book Sale

This event normally takes place on the 1st of May. It has been delayed because of Covid regulations. Remember to bring your mask. Here is your chance to meet friends and browse a huge range of brocante, clothes and books.

Royal British Legion Poppies

The 2nd lockdown started just after the poppies had been put in the shop, so there was hardly any money in the collection box at the shop. However a cheque for 250€ has been sent to the Royal British Legion Representative in Bordeaux.

Report on the Grand Bazaar and Giant Book Sale 3&4/10/20

Despite the weather and the Covid 19 problems the income was slightly more than last year. The preliminary figures for the income were as follows:- books 1,224€, clothes 1,094€, brocante 2,247€, homeware (on the stage) 497€, catering 538€, donation 40€ making a total of 5,640€. After further sales during the clear-up and some expenses the […]

Brocante 09/08/2020

Bon Coeur ran a stand at the brocante which was manned from early morning to late afternoon by Pat and Peter Aldous, Peter Grey-Hughes, Haydn Burnham, Elise and Terence Kennedy. The stand took 370€ and the shop which was manned by Dot and Brian from 10h to 12h took about 80€.

Pétanque 14 July 2020

The 27th annual Grande Franco Britannique Concours de Pétanque was held on Tuesday the 14th of July on the Place du Carré in Beauville. This was the 4th time Bon Coeur managed the event. We thank our sponsors for supporting the event. You can find their names by following this link to the event website. We […]

Report on the Jardin Anglais Event 2020

The Jardin Anglais event was held over 4 days from 3pm to 6pm at the home of Pat and Peter Aldous in St-Amans-du-Pech. The days were Thursday 21/5 Ascension, Sunday 24/5, Sunday 31/5 and 1/6 lundi de Pentecôte. This was shortly after the start of stage 2 of the Covid 19 confinement, causing a reduced […]

Open Garden 2020

Pat and Peter Aldous invite you to visit their garden at Saint-Amans-du-Pech which will be open to the public between 15h and 18h on Thursday 21/5, Sunday 24/5, Sunday 31/5 and Monday 1/6. From Saint-Amans-du-Pech follow the D80 which is sign posted to Penne-d’Agenais and Nals is 700m from the D656. You will be asked […]

Report on Virtual AGM 31/3/2020

Due to the Covid 19 regulations the AGM scheduled for 18/3/2020 was cancelled. The virtual AGM was scheduled for 14H on 31/3/2020, and the president circulated the following pdf documents to members and volunteers by email. AGM 2020 President’s report, Gifts to end 2019 for AGM, Treasurer’s report 2019 for AGM, Final accounts 2019 for […]

Report on Bon Coeur Annual Dinner 2020

The annual dinner for Bon Coeur members was held at Chez Khadi in Lacardayre on 10/03/2020. 17 members and partners attended and we thank our hosts for a delicious meal.

Report on the Marché de Noël 14/12/2019

The Marché de Noël was held in the Salle des Fêtes because the wind and rain made the erection of marquees too dangerous. Bon Coeur had a stand selling calendars. You can still buy calendars at the shop or order them by post. Click here for more information.

Report on Grand Bazaar 16 & 17/11/2019

Bon Coeur’s 2nd Grand Bazaar was held on Saturday 16/11 and Sunday 17/11. Our volunteers made a huge effort preparing all the items for sale, setting up the displays and home cooking a range of items for the cafeteria. The event raised 5605.95€ for good causes which is a big increase over the 3800€ raised […]

Royal British Legion Poppies

There was 51€ in the collection box at the shop and a cheque for 250€ has been sent to the Royal British Legion Representative in Bordeaux.

A Good Hen Party

Pat Aldous is the treasurer and Peter Aldous is the secretary of Bon Coeur. Peter wrote the following story:- On the morning of Wednesday 13/11/2019 we collected from Laroque Timbaut 4 lovely black “maran” hens for La Roseraie (refuge for victims of domestic violence) in Agen. We took them there at 14.30 to be greeted […]

Report on the Brocante 11/8/19

The Bon Coeur team started setting up the stand in the dark at 6h. Unfortunately the rain started at 7h30 and the decision to pack up was made at 10h30. The stand took only 77€ and 28€ was paid for the stand leaving 49€. The shop took 132€ in the morning and 19€ in the […]

Report on Macbeth 1/8/2019

After a series of adverse weather forecasts we were lucky and the thunder clouds passed to the North. Antic Disposition returned to Beauville to give a memorable performance of the famous Shakespeare tragedy Macbeth to an Audience of 147 people. The Bon Coeur team arranged the furniture and a buvette. We also provided 41 pre-ordered […]

Pétanque 14 Juillet 2019

The 26th annual Grande Franco Britannique Concours de Pétanque was held on Saturday the 14th of July on the Place du Carré in Beauville. This was the 3rd time Bon Coeur managed the event. We thank our sponsors for supporting the event. You can find their names by following this link to the event website. We […]

Report on Open Garden 2019

Pat and Peter Aldous opened their magnificent garden to the public on the Sunday afternoons of 26/5 and 2/6. They were delighted to welcome about 100 visitors on each day. A total of 1215€ (604€ + 611€) was raised mainly for Cancer Support France from entrance fees, refreshments, sales of plants, cards and gardening books. […]

Report on Open Garden 26/5/19

Pat and Peter Aldous opened their magnificent garden to the public on Sunday afternoon, and they were delighted to welcome about 100 visitors. A total of 604€ was raised for good causes from entrance fees and refreshment sales. Home made cakes were supplied by Pat Aldous, Ruth Smythers and Cindy Sheppard. Fortunately the sun smiled […]

Report on the Grand Book Sale and Spring Bazaar 1/5/2019

We would like to thank all of you for supporting us and we hope you are happy with your bargains. We also thank all of you who donated items for sale. The event was well attended all day and the total net income was a record breaker at just over 3800€. This was roughly from […]

Brexit Briefing

The briefing will be a collaboration between the British Community Committee of France, the International Club of Montaigu de Quercy and Bon Coeur. Admission will be by prior booking only. Brexit Briefing Reservation is online here.

Open Garden 26 May and 2 June

Pat and Peter Aldous invite you to visit their garden at 3 Nals, St-Amans-du-Pech, 82150, between 14h and 19h. Follow the signs from St-Amans-du-Pech.

Giant Book Sale & Spring Bazaar

On Wednesday the 1st of May the Bon Coeur Giant Book Sale and Spring Bazaar will be held in the Beauville salle des fêtes from 10am until 4pm. If you wish to donate items for sale please bring them to the salle des fêtes before the event. Contact to make an appointment .


On Thursday the 1st of August Antic Disposition will present a modern dress version of Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth in Beauville. You can now book tickets and Bon Coeur picnics at . Bon Coeur will be providing picnics which must be pre-ordered, and we will also be running a buvette.