The 2nd lockdown started just after the poppies had been put in the shop, so there was hardly any money in the collection box at the shop. However a cheque for 250€ has been sent to the Royal British Legion Representative in Bordeaux.
The 2nd lockdown started just after the poppies had been put in the shop, so there was hardly any money in the collection box at the shop. However a cheque for 250€ has been sent to the Royal British Legion Representative in Bordeaux.
Tuesday 14.30h – 16.30h
Wednesday 14.30h – 16.30h
Thursday 14.30h – 16.30h
Friday 14.30h – 16.30h
Saturday closed
Sunday 10h – 12h
Place de la Mairie
47470 Beauville
Siret: 824 941 389 00010
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