Our History

Bon Coeur was formed in May 2013 as an Association Loi 1901. Our statutes of association are here.


  • We raise funds by operating a volunteer run independent charity shop and other events.
  • We give funds to deserving organisations which provide services to humans or animals.
  • We operate responsibly in a small sector of the recycling industry and our unsold stock is forwarded to Le Relais, La Roseraie, St Emmaus and a company that pulps books.
  • We provide enjoyable and satisfying activities for our team of volunteers.

Our committee

President Charles Miskin
Treasurer Guy Marshall
Secretary Peter Aldous
Members Pat Aldous, Rosie Marshall



We’re perhaps best known for our charity shop in Beauville. If you wish to shop there or make a donation, visit the Shop page for more information.

Events and Merchandise

We participate in a range of local events, such as the Macmillan Cancer coffee morning, the Brocante and Christmas Fair in Beauville and the Open Gardens Day, where we raise funds by selling stock from the shop. 

In addition to third-party events, Bon Coeur organises several big events each year:

  • A giant Bazaar and Book Sale in Spring
  • Garden fetes in Spring
  • An Autumn Grand Bazaar and Book Sale

Anyone wishing to organise a fund-raising event, should get in touch at the contact details below.

Neutering and the Ruth Smart Fund

A trust fund was set up in the UK by Ruth Smart to be used exclusively for the welfare of animals. The Association produced a dossier of information to demonstrate that Bon Coeur had a track record of contributing funds to assist local residents principally for the neutering and sterilisation of local cats. 

The fund has now kindly made donations to Bon Coeur over the years, and we have spent 13 144€ on animal care (to summer 2020). The funds are treated as a separate cost centre within Bon Coeur and are dedicated to local cat welfare.

To contact us for support, please email a request to boncoeur@boncoeur47.com


Up to December 2023 we have donated 150 000€ to good causes.

Here’s a complete list of the gifts and the recipient organisations.

Collaborating Organisations

Bon Coeur appreciates the support which it receives from the following organisations. If you follow the links to their websites you will find useful information about local activities, events and businesses.

  • The British Community Committee is an umbrella association to foster and coordinate the interests of British groups in France.
  • The Mairie of Beauville supports Bon Coeur activities, including generous access to the Salle des Fêtes for the bazaars. 

Our Community

Beauville is a village of 570 inhabitants in the Communauté des Communes de la Porte d’Aquitaine en Pays de Serres. It is in the département of Lot et-Garonne close to the border with Tarn-et-Garonne. Our shop is accepted as part of the small group of shops which help to keep the community alive.

Where we are

If you’d like to meet us in person, come to the shop in Beauville. The location is here. The opening hours are here.


We are mainly a British group but we welcome volunteers of all nationalities. We are all unpaid volunteers. The shop is run in two-hour shifts mainly by pensioners. Volunteers who are still working and have less spare time are welcome to help us with events. Our volunteers can tailor the amount of time they give to suit their lifestyles. Our activities include staffing the shop, processing donations for display in the shop, moving furniture, catering and other preparations for events. If you have any particular skills or experience please let us know.